Weekly Schedule


Seasonal Calendar Structure

Our annual calendar runs officially from August 1 to July 31, and is broken down into six sessions. (Essentially, these are administrative billing cycles.) Each session may have a different weekly schedule (there may be occasional schedule changes that don't align perfectly with the session dates). Sessions are nominally two months, or approximately 7 to 8 weeks, with the Summer and Nov-Dec sessions being slightly shorter. 

Approximate session dates:

Summer Session: Early- to Mid-August to about Labor Day Weekend (not open during Labor Day weekend).

Sep-Oct Session: After Labor day to end of October.

Nov-Dec Session: Beginning of November to Mid-December (before the Christmas holiday).

Jan-Feb Session: Beginning of January to end of February.

Mar-Apr Session: Beginning of March to end of April.

May-Jun Session: Beginning of May to mid- or late-June.

Summer Break: After May-Jun session through Early- to Mid-August.